Those of us who are small business people, whether we sell Italian handbags, Italian jewelry or anything else, are seeing signs that the worst is over and that 2011 will be a prosperous and fulfilling year for all of us.
Looking back at the past few years, wiser now, albeit a bit greyer, we must realize that whatever our circumstances may be, we’ve all been through some unbearable times- as individuals, as families and as communities.
As I’ve gotten older, I realize more and more that nothing lasts forever. And this is true for both extremes- the fabulous highs and the “in the pits” lows. This realization and acceptance is very liberating to me. I can enjoy and appreciate the highs while they exist, be they personal or professional - and accept them just for what they are. I’m able to stop striving for perfection in every area of my life, because it’s an unattainable goal. And I can give up thinking that true happiness only occurs when every area of my life is in harmony. Why did it take me so long to figure this out?!
What remains is a substantially calmer place, warts and all. So businesses carry on, and we make space figuratively and literally for 2011.We plan with realistic hopes and dreams that this coming year be successful. In the spirit of making space for the New Year, we have sale priced a large selection of Angela Caputi jewelry. So have a look and give yourselves what you really wanted for the holidays!
Our best wishes to you for a year of good health and happiness.
Un bacione a tutti.
Angela Caputi Jewelry on Sale |
Angela Caputi Window in Florence |
I believe that you WILL have a WONDERFUL year! I'm so happy to have happened upon your blog! =D!