September 1, 2010

Importing From Italy Is What We Do Best

Next month Serena Italian Imports' staff is heading to Florence to see some Italian designers, order new merchandise, and check out a few showrooms. Once travel dates are chosen, and our day to day schedule starts to take shape, I get these fabulous butterflies inside; the excitement of returning to my beloved city of Florence overtakes me.

Tempered with that though, is the sadness of leaving my family for a week. Even though I know that everyone will be fine, and that they can all get by quite well without me, I still don’t love leaving them.

We’ve got some great appointments lined up: leather handbags at Gianni Chiarini, a day’s trip to Rovigo, near Venice, to see the Annalisa Miniutti handbag showroom, a morning at Angela Caputi for a new look at her stunning fashion jewelry and to see what next spring and summer’s jewelry will look like, a short train ride for a visit at the Tuscan glass IVAT showroom. And that’s just what we’ve planned so far!

In addition, you can be sure we will be doing our own personal shopping every possible minute, as well as taking lots of photos and videos to show you what’s happening on the streets of Florence.

I must get to my favorite museum in Florence, the Bargello, a stop I make every time I’m there, plus much more cultural activity still needs to be planned- not to mention get-togethers with dear friends, and restaurant plans. And- I get to speak Italian for a full week!

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like a wonderful trip. Reading this makes me want to travel to Italy too. And learn Italian!
